please note: this is the first time i am writing such a low-score review.
there is clearly a lack of effort shown in this submission.
i am absolutely shocked at how this got on the weekly top 5.
the slayer plain sucks, it's the stock preset.
did you add ANY effects to this song? it sure doesn't sound like it.
MANY if not all of the sounds i can recall as being presets and stock instruments and percussions. don't get me wrong - i've seen amazing entries with stock sounds.
there are no delays or reeverb on the instruments, they all sound "stock".
there was no progression in the melody itself. something new came in which wasn't terribly interesting and then went away leaving the listener with the same old loops.
don't use the trance preset when chopping, really it's just not that good for a main synth. if it was for a soft, quiet background sound then it works fine.
you get 2 points for the instrument that comes in at 0:29 unveiling into something more enjoyable later on, around :45 and :50. yet again, it just went away leaving me with the loops i already heard.
you also get 2 points for the potential, as you have some of it.